Reviewing Process
- Original, high-quality papers, that are not currently under review at another conference or a journal, will be considered.
- Papers that have already been published with the same contents or that have been simultaneously submitted to another conference or a journal will be rejected.
- Submitted manuscripts will undergo a double-blind review process.
- Papers will be selected based on technical merit, relevance, and a clear exposition in English.
Deadlines |
- Paper submission deadline at GECON 2014 Submission Web Site at EasyChair is July 16th.
- Notification of paper acceptance is August 5th August 18th.
- The camera-ready, revised paper has to be uploaded to EasyChair by September 1st.
- GECON 2014 will be held on September 16-18th, 2014 in Cardiff, UK.
Paper Formatting |
- Submitted papers cannot exceed 14 pages in Springer LNCS format, including references and appendices. The papers should be submitted in pdf format.
- Final, camera-ready, revised paper have to be submitted in pdf format as well as either in LaTex or in MSWord format. The templates are available at the Springer Web site on Information for LNCS Authors
- The copyright form can be found at Springer LNCS .
Publications |